DQ GAMES التطبيقات

ESCAPE 1.0.10
At the end of the 3rd millennium.Humanpopulation on Earth have begin to hit critical levels andasolution was required.Project Deep S.E.A.R.C.H. was conceived. Deep SpaceExpedition,Adaptation, Research & Colonization of Habitableplanet.Project Deep S.E.A.R.C.H.- Expedition to Planet L-91109 in Galaxy Cluster A-507- Exploration of travel through Wormhole found to GalaxyClusterA-507- Research and Adaptation of Planet L-91109 forhumanhabitation- Colonization of Planet L-91109 to allow migration of humanfromEarthExpedition team form up to formation of 32 ship to travelthroughwormhole.Entering the wormhole, formation was bombarded by unknownobjects,one by one, ships are destroyed as they are unable tomanoeuvre toavoid the objects.By the end of the travel, only 2 Heron class ship survivedthewormhole.Commandeered by Pilot Lieutenant Farrend and Athelina, theyareunable to proceed with the mission as the Heron class shiponlycarried materials, all research personnel have been lost.To Escape imminent isolation and death, the survivors will embarkonthe journey back to Earth.